Practical Task Statement of Intent draft 2

The name of my TV Crime Drama is called "Diamonds Are 4Ever" and would be released onto streaming services Netflix and HBO Max. The plan is to have the extract be the last three minutes of Season 2's finale, where the Main Character "Faraan Kurii" chases "The OVERseer" (the Main Villain) Through an alleyway into a bustling estate where he unfortunately loses sight of him and is struggling on what to do while he stands in the middle of a park he's found himself at. 

the narrative follows a troubled detective on his journey to track and kill the cartel and the man responsible for his family's demise with the help of his crew, however some of them may not be who he thinks they are. In addition, I have more than two recording locations set in stone which include: the bridge connecting from my estate and my school and areas from my estate which fit the theme of the crime drama. Genre codes will generally be quite easy to successfully utilise as conventions for a crime drama typically involve some form of rural setting and the binary opposites between suits and ties to baggy clothing and dirt. Sound will generally not be a problem as there are many tracks and foley sounds that can be placed in the extract to give a different emotions, feelings or even context. I'm investing in drones to use an array of shots simply not possible with a tripod (i.e birdseye-view) and it's this camera work that would peak the interests of streaming services (i.e Netflix and HBO Max). For original photography, my plan is to show two sides of the coin, "The OVERseer" shrouded in darkness, while "Faraan" is in the light and looking determined. The clothing and binary oppositions will consist of baggy, dirty clothing juxtaposed with the formal wear a stereotypical detective dons. The stereotypes created for the genre will be HEAVILY reinforced via the miseducating-en-scene used, the camera work and the action codes used. 

For the crime drama, the age would be around 12+, as I feel it would be a show that teens or  older teens would prefer to watch rather than kids - it is a Crime Drama after all. Furthermore, I also feel like this is a show that all classes can watch, and regardless of class, they can feel inspired to make a change in some way. I feel the same for the psychographics side as I did for the demographics side, regardless of whatever the lifestyles, ambitions or interests amongst the audience, they should still have the chance to feel the same regardless. Although I’ve decided to go for a more action-packed scene rather than one more rooted in meaning, I still believe I can get a message I’m content with across, as that is what audience theory is concerned with. I hope the meaning I create through this extract can help evoke some sort of change within the audience, and possibly have effects to how we think socially as well. I'd like to think that streaming services (i.e Netflix and HBO Max) would pick up my crime drama as it would help put me on the map. The audiences would continue to talk about my show as It would gain wide popularity in a genre that's consistently fresh and always open to new releases. It would be the first time many genre conventions are broken and explored further (i.e corruption) AND the narrative would include conventions relevant to the audience, thus evoking a long conversation that could very well lead to a shift in the positive direction for our society.


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